The 2020 Data Sheet shows that adults ages 65 and older now account for 9% of the global population, in part because of declining fertility rates.
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2020 Census Self-Response Rates Are Lagging in Neighborhoods at Risk of Undercounting Young Children
Self-response rates are lowest in neighborhoods with high concentrations of racial and ethnic minorities in the young child population, which could mean fewer dollars for communities that need funds the most.
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Life on Hold: How the Coronavirus Is Affecting Young People’s Major Life Decisions
We can’t predict the long-term effects of the coronavirus pandemic, but young adults are likely to be severely impacted by the economic fallout.
The Scorecard evaluates and compares the favorability of 22 current national policy and program environments for youth access to sexual and reproductive health services.
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2020 World Population Data Sheet Shows Older Populations Growing, Fertility Rates Declining
Our Population Bulletin, “Aging in the United States,” examines recent trends and disparities among adults ages 65 and older, and how baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 are reshaping America’s older population